Forest Trek and Bee Honey Hunt with Veddas

The Veddas are a minority indigenous group of people in Sri Lanka. Few Vedda communities remain, but those that do continue to live their traditional lifestyle as hunter-gatherers and farmers in remote forest areas.

  • Meet one of Sri Lanka’s last remaining indigenous communities
  • Watch how they harvest organic honey to sell
  • Explore their traditional ways and unique language

What's Included ?

Host and refreshments

Light clothes

Get up close and personal with one of the few remaining Vedda communities in Sri Lanka. Witness their traditional hunting methods such as the bow and arrow and watch how they harvest organic honey to sell. You will also uncover exotic and endemic wildlife along the way: the Veddas’ knowledge of the island’s flora and fauna is second-to-none. If you’re lucky, you might also hear the Veddas singing songs in their local tongue as you walk the forest together. This is a unique and highly rewarding experience that can be done from Gal Oya.

How can I reach the Vedda community from Gal Oya?

To reach the Vedda community from Gal Oya, transportation options such as a guided tour or private vehicle can be arranged. The journey typically involves a combination of driving and walking through the forest to reach the community’s location. 

Safety precautions are taken during the visit to the Vedda community to ensure the well-being of participants and respect for the community’s customs. It’s essential to follow the guidance of the local host and adhere to any rules or regulations set by the community. Additionally, wearing appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoor activities is advised, and participants should stay together as a group during the visit.

Photography may be allowed during the visit to the Vedda community, but it’s essential to ask for permission before taking any photos, especially of community members or their homes. Respect for the community’s privacy and cultural practices is paramount, so it’s best to follow the guidance of the local host regarding photography guidelines and etiquette.

Truly unforgettable!

This is truly unforgettable! Witnessing their traditional hunting methods and honey harvesting techniques was incredibly amazing, and I gained a newfound appreciation for their way of life. The Veddas’ knowledge of the island’s flora and fauna was remarkable, and our host did an excellent job of explaining the significance of various plants and animals we encountered along the way. Hearing the Veddas sing songs was kinda funny but definitely added authenticity of the encounter. It was a unique and highly rewarding experience that I would recommend to anyone looking for something different. 

Review by Sarah M. - July 15, 2023
Once in a lifetime experience

Visiting the Vedda community in Gal Oya was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Watching them demonstrate their traditional hunting methods and honey harvesting skills was fascinating, and it gave me a deeper understanding of their ancient way of life. I learned so much from our time spent exploring the forest together. Hearing them sing songs added a special touch to the experience. This was an eye-opening and highly rewarding journey that I will cherish forever.

Review by David K. - August 5, 2023
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